Select Scope for the Dashboard

Cisco Secure Application dashboard provides a filter to select the required application and tier scope that is applied across all views within this dashboard, except for Policies. By default, the application scope is the selected application on the AppDynamics dashboard prior to navigating to Cisco Secure Application.

Perform the following steps to view the data on the dashboard for a specific application:

Step 1. Click the filter icon application name/tier name on the top right corner of the dashboard.

Step 2. In the Applications tab, search for the specific application.

Step 3. Select the application.

Step 4. (Optional) In the Tiers tab, search for the required tier.

If you do not select any specific tier, data is displayed for all the tiers.

Step 5. Click Apply Changes.

Figure 4-9 shows an example of the application/tier filter.

Figure 4-9 Application/Tier Filter

To return to the default view of all applications, click application name/tier name > Applications > Remove App Filter. Similarly, click application name/tier name > Tiers > Remove Tier Filter to return to the default view of all tiers.

Navigate to AppDynamics Application or Tier Flow Map

To navigate from the Cisco Secure Application dashboard to the AppDynamics flow map, click the flow map icon at the top-right corner of the Cisco Secure Application dashboard. The flow map icon is associated with the selected scope for the Cisco Secure Application dashboard.

For example, in Figure 4-10, the tier scope is awsApp-sametier1. You can click the flow map icon to launch the awsApp-sametier1 flow map on the AppDynamics dashboard.

Figure 4-10 illustrates how to navigate to the AppDynamics dashboard.

Figure 4-10 Navigating to the AppDynamics dashboard

Figure 4-11 shows the AppDynamics dashboard.

Figure 4-11 AppDynamics dashboard